Helgdagar och firande i hela världen
Sierra Leone, Sydafrika, Sydafrika (Eastern Cape), idag är er nationaldag! EDIT gratulerar er på denna speciella dag.

Denna sida informerar dig om när förvaltningar, företag, skolor, finansinstitut och börser är stängda över hela världen Saturday, Januari 20, 2024

Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkTunisienFoire Internationale de Sfaxr
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkIndien (Bihar)Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkIndien (Punjab)Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkZimbabweSorgedagenrn
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkIndien (Rajasthan)Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkSpanien (Baskenland)Medborgar/statshelgdag
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkEtiopienOrtodoxa trettondedag jul
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkIndien (Jharkhand)Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkEritreaOrtodoxa trettondedag jul
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Lördag 20 januari, 2024linkSpanien (Balearische Inseln)Medborgar/statshelgdag
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkBrasilienGrundandets dag (endast Rio de Janeiro)
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkKap VerdeHjältarnas dag
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkAzerbajdzjanSorgedagen
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkSchweiz (Basel)Vogel Gryff
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkCapo Verde (Bolsa de Val.)Hjältarnas dag
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkBaku Stock ExchangeValuta och börs semester
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkBrasilienMedborgar/statshelgdag
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkBrasilien (Acre)Katolikernas dag
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkMaliArmédagen
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Måndag 20 januari, 2025linkGuinea BissauHjältarnas dag
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Foire Internationale de Sfaxr - Tunisien

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Bankerna är avslutad : Http://foiredesfax.com/ lasts 2 weeks - in Sfax 2024 edition confirmed

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag - Indien (Bihar)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sikhism :

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag - Indien (Punjab)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sikhism :

Sorgedagenrn - Zimbabwe

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sekulär semester : To honor the late General Shikapwasha

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag - Indien (Rajasthan)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sikhism :

Medborgar/statshelgdag - Spanien (Baskenland)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sekulär semester : in St Sebastian

Ortodoxa trettondedag jul - Etiopien

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Ortodox : Timket: A Christian holiday (from the Greek word epiphaneia meaning manifestation or to appear) commemorating the presentation of the infant Jesus to the Magi, or three wise men. It marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas and is also called The Adoration of the Magi or The Manifestation of God . According to legend based on a Bible story, three kings (or wise men/magi), Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar saw a bright star on the night that Christ was born. They followed the star to Bethlehem where they found the baby Jesus and presented him with gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jis födelsedag - Indien (Jharkhand)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Sikhism :

Ortodoxa trettondedag jul - Eritrea

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Ortodox : A Christian holiday (from the Greek word epiphaneia meaning manifestation or to appear) commemorating the presentation of the infant Jesus to the Magi, or three wise men. It marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas and is also called The Adoration of the Magi or The Manifestation of God . According to legend based on a Bible story, three kings (or wise men/magi), Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar saw a bright star on the night that Christ was born. They followed the star to Bethlehem where they found the baby Jesus and presented him with gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Medborgar/statshelgdag - Spanien (Balearische Inseln)

Lördag 20 januari, 2024
Katolska : St Sebastian, patron saint of archers, soldiers, and athletes. He was a captain of the guard in Rome, but when his religion was discovered by Emperor Diocletian, he was sentenced to be shot with arrows. He was left for dead, but survived the attack, and instead of fleeing the city, he confronted the emperor, who then had him clubbed to death in Palma only

Grundandets dag (endast Rio de Janeiro) - Brasilien

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
kultur :

Hjältarnas dag - Kap Verde

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester : Avser Amilcar Cabral, som bidragit till oberoende Kap Verde och Guinea-Bisau. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

Sorgedagen - Azerbajdzjan

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
kultur : On the night of January 19-20, 1990, as a result of military aggression of the units of the Soviet Army and special forces, as well as contingents of internal troops against Azerbaijan, civilians, including children, women and elderly were massacred in the cities of Baku, Sumgayit, Lankaran and Neftchala by order of the USSR leadership. As a result of the occupying forces’ military aggression 149 civilians were killed, 744 were seriously injured, and 4 people went missing.

Vogel Gryff - Schweiz (Basel)

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
kultur : At the end of the morning, on January 13, 20 or 27, a raft descends the Rhine with an unusual crew on board: two drums, two flag bearers, two gunners constantly firing salutes and the main character, the Wilde Mann (the savage) who brandishes an uprooted fir tree and hops, his gaze turned towards Petit-Bâle on the right bank of the Rhine. Downstream from the Mittlere Brücke (middle bridge), it is greeted by two other curious individuals: a lion wiggling on two legs and a bird with a large beak.

Hjältarnas dag - Capo Verde (Bolsa de Val.)

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
ekonomisk institution :

Valuta och börs semester - Baku Stock Exchange

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
ekonomisk institution :

Medborgar/statshelgdag - Brasilien

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester : San Sebastian in Rio de Janeiro only

Katolikernas dag - Brasilien (Acre)

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
Katolska :

Armédagen - Mali

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester :

Hjältarnas dag - Guinea Bissau

Måndag 20 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester : In remembrance of the death of Amílcar Cabral Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday