Helgdagar och firande i hela världen
Ekvatorialguinea, St Maarten (Nederländska Antillerna), Yemen, idag är er nationaldag! EDIT gratulerar er på denna speciella dag.

Vietnam : komplett kalender med helgdagar, nedläggning av banker och börser, skollov, mässor, kultur- och sportevenemang, festivaler, karnevaler, val

  • Kurs: Dong (VND)
  • Internet domain: .vn - telephone code: +84 - International dialing code: 00
  • DatumNamnTypMer
    Söndag 20 oktober, 2024Kvinnors dagVykort/Blommor
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    Onsdag 23 oktober, 2024Mitterminslov (början)Skollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Måndag 28 oktober, 2024Mitt-terminslov (slut)Skollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Onsdag 20 november, 2024Lärarnas dagSpeciella evenemang
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    Söndag 22 december, 2024Försvarare dagSpeciella evenemang
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    Onsdag 25 december, 2024JuldagenVykort/Blommor
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    Tisdag 31 december, 2024Bankerna är stängdaSekulär semester
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    Onsdag 1 januari, 2025SkollovSkollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Onsdag 1 januari, 2025NyårsdagenSekulär semester
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    Fredag 24 januari, 2025Mitterminslov semester (början)Skollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Lördag 25 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Söndag 26 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Måndag 27 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Tisdag 28 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Onsdag 29 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Torsdag 30 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Fredag 31 januari, 2025Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)Sekulär semester
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    Kvinnors dag

    Söndag 20 oktober, 2024
    Vykort/Blommor :

    Mitterminslov (början)

    Onsdag 23 oktober, 2024
    Skollovens :

    Mitt-terminslov (slut)

    Måndag 28 oktober, 2024
    Skollovens :

    Lärarnas dag

    Onsdag 20 november, 2024
    kultur :

    Försvarare dag

    Söndag 22 december, 2024
    kultur : People's Army of Viet Nam Foundation Anniversary


    Onsdag 25 december, 2024
    Vykort/Blommor : Not a bank holiday, but increasingly popular.

    Bankerna är stängda

    Tisdag 31 december, 2024
    Sekulär semester :


    Onsdag 1 januari, 2025
    Skollovens : Http://education.vnu.edu.vn
    official calendar gazetted by the Ministry of Education
    2022 PISA ranking: #34 with a 468 score
    Schooling is mandatory till age 17
    Number of instructional weeks: 37 in secondary schools
    Teaching language: Vietnamese
    schools closed on Sunday
    school uniforms required

    We carry confirmed dates till Sep 23 in Hanoi -- some variations according to the province

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Vietnamises schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for Vietnam or one file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.


    Onsdag 1 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Mitterminslov semester (början)

    Fredag 24 januari, 2025
    Skollovens :

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Lördag 25 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Söndag 26 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Måndag 27 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Tisdag 28 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Onsdag 29 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar,

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Torsdag 30 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar,

    Têt (vietnamesiska nyåret)

    Fredag 31 januari, 2025
    Sekulär semester : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Employers who require employees to work must pay three times normal wages. A customary Tet bonus is often paid to employees prior to their leaving for the lunar new year holiday. Paid holiday when falling on Sunday