SinterKlaas (Sankt Nicolas-afton), ej officiell
Torsdag 5 december, 2024
kultur : Many parents will take half day off to prepare presents for their children. Became Santa Claus in other countries
Fredag 6 december, 2024
Vykort/Blommor : Commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during the Maccabean Revolt (2nd century BC)
Onsdag 25 december, 2024
Katolska och protestantiska : I Europa, det vintersolstånd firades med bonfires och ritualer.
Den romerska Saturnalier pågick i flera dagar i december. Folket spelat.
Den germanska stammar också firas mitt i vintern genom att dricka alkohol. Den bulgariska och polska (med Koleduvane och Gwiazdka) fortsätter denna tradition.
Jesus från Nasaret var förmodligen född våren (men reformerta tror att Jesus föddes i höst).
Men i den 4: e århundradet, påven Julius Jag valde den 25 december för att fira Jesu födelse. Alltså, en kristen element ingick i det sedan länge etablerade midvintern festivaler.
Torsdag 26 december, 2024
Sekulär semester :
Onsdag 1 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Måndag 6 januari, 2025
Vykort/Blommor :
Dag av judendomen
Fredag 17 januari, 2025
kultur : Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict VXI have encouraged the establishment of this elder brothers' day
Rotterdam ABN AMRO Tennis Tournamentr
Lördag 1 februari, 2025
Idrottsevenemang : Https:// 2025 edition confirmed
Midwinter Marathonr
Söndag 2 februari, 2025
Idrottsevenemang : in Apeldoorn 2025 edition confirmed
Alla hjärtans Dag
Fredag 14 februari, 2025
Vykort/Blommor : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February
Söndag 2 mars, 2025
kultur : Originally celebrated in the Catholic south, but now also celebrated in other parts of the country by Catholics and non-Catholics. lasts 3 days
Bön Dag för grödan och arbete
Onsdag 12 mars, 2025
kultur : Celebrated in the countryside. Protestants pray for the success of the harvest and of their work.
Onsdag 19 mars, 2025
Vykort/Blommor :
Söndag 30 mars, 2025
Extraordinära händelser : At 1:00 am local times
Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)rn
Måndag 31 mars, 2025
Vykort/Blommor : The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful [Wikipedia]