Söndag 3 november, 2024
Hinduism : Chitragupta ('rich in secrets' or 'hidden picture') is a Hindu god assigned with the task of keeping complete records of actions of human beings on the earth. He is god of justice. Upon their death, Chitragupta has the task of deciding heaven or the hell for the humans, depending on their actions on the earth. Chitragupta Maharaj (Chitragupta is the patron deity of Kayasthas, a Hindu caste of India and Nepal. [Wikipedia]
Söndag 3 november, 2024
Hinduism : Dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya, also known as Surya Shashti.
Mitt-terminslov (slut)
Måndag 4 november, 2024
Skollovens :
Onsdag 25 december, 2024
Katolska och protestantiska : I Europa, det vintersolstånd firades med bonfires och ritualer.
Den romerska Saturnalier pågick i flera dagar i december. Folket spelat.
Den germanska stammar också firas mitt i vintern genom att dricka alkohol. Den bulgariska och polska (med Koleduvane och Gwiazdka) fortsätter denna tradition.
Jesus från Nasaret var förmodligen född våren (men reformerta tror att Jesus föddes i höst).
Men i den 4: e århundradet, påven Julius Jag valde den 25 december för att fira Jesu födelse. Alltså, en kristen element ingick i det sedan länge etablerade midvintern festivaler.
Vinterlov (början)
Fredag 27 december, 2024
Skollovens :
Vinterlov (slut)
Måndag 6 januari, 2025
Skollovens : Https://
Schooling is mandatory till age 14
Teaching languages: Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi
schools close on Saturday
school uniforms required
We carry confirmed dates till March 2023 -- heat waves may affect the calendar
Söndag 26 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day.