Vinterlov (början)
Torsdag 12 december, 2024
Skollovens : Ecole Française de Dacca
Segerdagen - Bijoy Dibosh
Måndag 16 december, 2024
Sekulär semester : Indien förklarade krig mot Pakistan (4 december 1971), och Pakistan överlämnas kort därefter (den 16 december 1971). Mr Mujib har återvänt och blev den första premiärministern i Bangladesh.
Onsdag 25 december, 2024
Katolska och protestantiska : I Europa, det vintersolstånd firades med bonfires och ritualer.
Den romerska Saturnalier pågick i flera dagar i december. Folket spelat.
Den germanska stammar också firas mitt i vintern genom att dricka alkohol. Den bulgariska och polska (med Koleduvane och Gwiazdka) fortsätter denna tradition.
Jesus från Nasaret var förmodligen född våren (men reformerta tror att Jesus föddes i höst).
Men i den 4: e århundradet, påven Julius Jag valde den 25 december för att fira Jesu födelse. Alltså, en kristen element ingick i det sedan länge etablerade midvintern festivaler.
Bankerna är stängda
Tisdag 31 december, 2024
mässa :
Onsdag 1 januari, 2025
Sekulär semester :
Dhaka Internationella mässan DITFr
Torsdag 2 januari, 2025
Bankerna är avslutad : Lasts 1 month - at the Sher-e-Bangla Nagar - 2025 edition confirmed
Tisdag 7 januari, 2025
Skollovens : Http://
Bangladeshi schools observe 85 days of holidays, following Islamic celebrations
Schools are closed on Friday and Saturday
We carry confirmed dates till Jan 2025 - heat waves may affect the calendarPlease note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Bengali schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Bangabandhu Homecoming Dag
Fredag 10 januari, 2025
kultur : On this day in 1972, Bangabandhu returned to independent Bangladesh after over nine and a half months' confinement in a Pakistan jail. The political icon termed his homecoming a journey from the darkness to light .
Måndag 27 januari, 2025
Muslim, Sufi : Shab-e-meraz
Fredag 31 januari, 2025
Lamaismen (Vajrayana) : Bhawasma Budhbar - Chinese New Year
Durga Puja (Dashami)
Måndag 10 februari, 2025
Hinduism :
Dhaka International Plastic Packaging and Printing Industrial Fairr
Onsdag 12 februari, 2025
Bankerna är avslutad : Https:// lasts 5 days - in Dhaka 2025 edition confirmed
Lördag 15 februari, 2025
mässa :
Shaheed-dagen - Martyrdag
Fredag 21 februari, 2025
Sekulär semester : This day commemorates the lives sacrificed to make Bengali one of the national languages when Bangladesh was part of Pakistan. The West Pakistani regime tried to force Urdu as the national language. A demonstration by Bengalis was shot at by police, leading to the death of 4 demonstrators. The nascent Bengali patriotism lead to the birth of Bangladesh.
Måndag 17 mars, 2025
kultur :
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Dag
Måndag 17 mars, 2025
Sekulär semester : The Aug. 15 holiday was scrapped in 2002 by the government of former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, after she won a 2001 election by defeating Mujib's daughter Sheikh Hasina, another former prime minister.
Mujib was killed with most members of his family in a military coup in 1975, which began years of rule by army generals, including Khaleda's husband Ziaur Rahman, who was killed in a 1981 mutiny.
Mujib formally gave the directive for a guerrilla war to gain independence from Pakistan in March 1971. He was arrested by the Pakistani army but his followers led the war to achieve independence in December 1971.
Banker är stängda
Tisdag 25 mars, 2025
mässa :
Onsdag 26 mars, 2025
Sekulär semester : In 1970, East Pakistan's leading political party, the Awami League, won the elections. Its leader, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was to become the next Prime Minister, but the President of Pakistan refused. Mujib declared independence for the People's Republic of Bangladesh on March 26, 1971. A nine-month civil war ensued.
Slaget vid Puebla mot fransmännen* - inte längre en allmän helgdag sedan 2001
Torsdag 27 mars, 2025
Muslim, Sufi : Shab-e-Qadr is a Persian name meaning 'the night of power' or 'the night of respect' or 'Evening of Destiny'; the most blessed of all the nights of the year according to Islam. In the Holy quran and hadith it is referred to as Lailatu'l-Qadr. Five verses of Al-Alaq, the first surah of the Quran was revealed. About Shab-e-Qadr the Quran says: it is the night in which the Quran was revealed; it is better than a thousand months; during this night the angels including Jibra'il descended with the permission of their Lord; there is peace all night long.
Fredag 28 mars, 2025
Muslim, Sufi : The Muslims observe Jumatul Wida, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, with traditional religious fervour and solemnity at the Grand Mosque of Andarkilla in Chittagong. Millions of fasting people offer Friday prayers at mosques and prayer grounds. Jumatul Wida has a special significance since it is a prelude to the departure of holy month of Ramadan and considered the harbinger of the end of the showering of divine blessings that characterize the holy month. Holy Prophet (pbuh) also stressed the sanctity of this day. Paid holiday when falling on Friday
Banker är stängda
Lördag 29 mars, 2025
mässa :
Banker är stängda
Söndag 30 mars, 2025
mässa :
Ramadanhögtiden (början)
Måndag 31 mars, 2025
Skollovens :
Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)
Måndag 31 mars, 2025
Muslim, Sufi :