Helgdagar och firande i hela världen
Zimbabwe, idag är er nationaldag! EDIT gratulerar er på denna speciella dag.

linkKanada (New Brunswick) : helgdagar, stängning av banker, skolan semester

Kanada (New Brunswick) : komplett kalender med helgdagar, nedläggning av banker och börser, skollov, mässor, kultur- och sportevenemang, festivaler, karnevaler, val

  • Kurs: Dollar (CAD)
  • Internet domain: .ca - telephone code: +1 - International dialing code: 011
  • DatumNamnTypMer
    Måndag 8 april, 2024SolförmörkelseSkollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Måndag 8 april, 2024SolförmörkelseSekulär semester
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    Måndag 8 april, 2024SolförmörkelseSpeciella evenemang
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    Måndag 20 maj, 2024Victoria DagSekulär semester
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    Måndag 24 juni, 2024Sommarlov (början)Skollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Måndag 1 juli, 2024KanadadagenNationaldag
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    Måndag 5 augusti, 2024New Brunswick dagSekulär semester
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    Måndag 2 september, 2024Arbetarklassens dagSekulär semester
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    Tisdag 3 september, 2024Sommarlov (slut)Skollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Torsdag 19 september, 2024Slaget vid Puebla mot fransmännen* - inte längre en allmän helgdag sedan 2001Sekulär semester
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    Måndag 30 september, 2024Slaget vid Puebla mot fransmännen* - inte längre en allmän helgdag sedan 2001Sekulär semester
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    Måndag 30 september, 2024Bankerna är stängdamässa
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    Måndag 14 oktober, 2024TacksägelsedagenSkollov, förutom de ovan nämnda bankfridagarna (kan variera mellan olika distrikt)
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    Måndag 14 oktober, 2024TacksägelsedagenSekulär semester
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    Måndag 21 oktober, 2024Provinsiella valExtraordinära händelser
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    Måndag 8 april, 2024
    Skollovens :


    Måndag 8 april, 2024
    Sekulär semester :


    Måndag 8 april, 2024
    kultur : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlán, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreón should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

    Victoria Dag

    Måndag 20 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Sommarlov (början)

    Måndag 24 juni, 2024
    Skollovens :


    Måndag 1 juli, 2024
    Sekulär semester : Tidigare Dominionsdagen (engelska: Dominion Day) eller Konfederationsdagen (engelska: Dominion Day, Mall:Jour de la Confédération), är Kanadas nationaldag och firas till minne av British North America Act, som skapade den kanadensiska konfederationen, då bestående av fyra provinser. Dagen firas både i och utanför Kanada. Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    New Brunswick dag

    Måndag 5 augusti, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Arbetarklassens dag

    Måndag 2 september, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Sommarlov (slut)

    Tisdag 3 september, 2024
    Skollovens : http://bms.nbed.nb.ca/calendar.htm

    Slaget vid Puebla mot fransmännen* - inte längre en allmän helgdag sedan 2001

    Torsdag 19 september, 2024
    Sekulär semester : To honor the life and mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

    Slaget vid Puebla mot fransmännen* - inte längre en allmän helgdag sedan 2001

    Måndag 30 september, 2024
    Sekulär semester : Truth & Reconciliation Day from 2021

    Bankerna är stängda

    Måndag 30 september, 2024
    mässa : National Day for Truth and Reconciliation from 2021


    Måndag 14 oktober, 2024
    Skollovens :


    Måndag 14 oktober, 2024
    Sekulär semester : The first formal celebration was held by an English explorer, Martin Frobisher, who attempted to establish a settlement on Baffin Island, after failing to discover a northern passage to the Orient in 1576. The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock held their Thanksgiving in 1621 as a three-day thank you celebration to the leaders of the Wampanoag Indian tribe and their families for teaching them the survival skills they needed to make it in the New World. Canada established the second Monday in October as a national holiday, a day of general thanksgiving, in 1957.

    Provinsiella val

    Måndag 21 oktober, 2024
    Extraordinära händelser :