Helgdagar och firande i hela världen

linkAbchazien : helgdagar, stängning av banker, skolan semester

Abchazien : komplett kalender med helgdagar, nedläggning av banker och börser, skollov, mässor, kultur- och sportevenemang, festivaler, karnevaler, val

  • Kurs: Ruble (RUR)
  • De facto independent republic since 2008.
  • DatumNamnTypMer
    Onsdag 10 april, 2024Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)Muslim, Sufi
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    Torsdag 11 april, 2024Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)Muslim, Sufi
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    Söndag 14 april, 2024Tax DagSpeciella evenemang
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    Onsdag 1 maj, 2024MajdagenSekulär semester
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    Lördag 4 maj, 2024Banker nära klockan 14mässa
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    Söndag 5 maj, 2024Ortodox påskOrtodox
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    Måndag 6 maj, 2024Ortodoxa annandag påskOrtodox
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    Tisdag 7 maj, 2024PåsktisdagenOrtodox
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    Torsdag 9 maj, 2024SegerdagenSekulär semester
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    Fredag 10 maj, 2024SegerdagenSekulär semester
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    Söndag 12 maj, 2024St Andrew's DaySekulär semester
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    Söndag 19 maj, 2024Simon the Zealot dagenKatolska
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    Torsdag 23 maj, 2024FlaggdagenSekulär semester
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    Måndag 17 juni, 2024Eid-ul-Adha - Offerfesten (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)Muslim, Sufi
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    Måndag 5 augusti, 2024NyårsdagenExtraordinära händelser
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    Måndag 26 augusti, 2024SjälvständighetsdagenSekulär semester
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    Onsdag 28 augusti, 2024Virgin's Assumption (Mariamoba)Sekulär semester
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    Måndag 30 september, 2024SjälvständighetsdagenNationaldag
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    Onsdag 30 oktober, 2024Dag av vetenskapSpeciella evenemang
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    Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)

    Onsdag 10 april, 2024
    Muslim, Sufi : Ends the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There were 30 days of strict fasting from sunup to sundown in honor of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed.

    Ramadan avslutas (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)

    Torsdag 11 april, 2024
    Muslim, Sufi : Ends the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There were 30 days of strict fasting from sunup to sundown in honor of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed.

    Tax Dag

    Söndag 14 april, 2024
    kultur : Day of Tax servicemen


    Onsdag 1 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Banker nära klockan 14

    Lördag 4 maj, 2024
    mässa :

    Ortodox påsk

    Söndag 5 maj, 2024
    Ortodox : Paid holiday

    Ortodoxa annandag påsk

    Måndag 6 maj, 2024
    Ortodox : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter(or Pascha).The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy.The Easter breads are a worldwide Orthodox tradition as well.This bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place:Midnight Office,Rush Procession,Matins & Divine Liturgy.After the service,the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home.The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days.One egg takes place before the Easter lunch.Each person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck.The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is: Christ is Risen! .The answer is: Indeed He is Risen . May only be observed by the local Orthodox community.


    Tisdag 7 maj, 2024
    Ortodox :


    Torsdag 9 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.


    Fredag 10 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    St Andrew's Day

    Söndag 12 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester : Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Simon the Zealot dagen

    Söndag 19 maj, 2024
    Katolska : Simon den kanaaniska eller Simon Zealoten är en jude från det 1: a århundradet och en av Jesu Kristi tolv apostlar. Traditionen ser aposteln Simon som en av de fyra ”halvbröderna” till Jesus (Matteus 13, 55 och Markus 6, 3). En text som tillskrivs Hippolytos från Rom indikerar att Simeon av Clopas också fick smeknamnet Zealoten . På grundval av detta antar vissa författare att Simon den kanaaniska kunde ha varit den andra biskopen i Jerusalem.


    Torsdag 23 maj, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Eid-ul-Adha - Offerfesten (kan ev. flyttas till närmaste dag)

    Måndag 17 juni, 2024
    Muslim, Sufi : Also written Id al'Adha (or Eid Al-Adha) is the Feast of the Sacrifice , the second main celebration of Islam. Paid holiday when falling on Friday or Saturday The Prophet Muhammad called Eid Al-Adha the best day of the year, since it is the last and biggest day of the annual pilgrimage.


    Måndag 5 augusti, 2024
    Extraordinära händelser :


    Måndag 26 augusti, 2024
    Sekulär semester :

    Virgin's Assumption (Mariamoba)

    Onsdag 28 augusti, 2024
    Sekulär semester :


    Måndag 30 september, 2024
    Sekulär semester : From 2008 onwards

    Dag av vetenskap

    Onsdag 30 oktober, 2024
    kultur :